Friday, August 9, 2019

Test the bank statement import in Dynamic 365

In the first part, I showed how to configure the BAI2. Now we test the Import Process

The final step is to test that you can import your bank statement.
  1. Go to Cash and bank management > Bank accounts.
  2. Select the bank account that Advanced bank reconciliation functionality is enabled for.
  3. On the Reconcile tab, click Bank statements.
  4. On the Bank statement page, click Import statement.
  5. Set the Bank account field to the selected bank account. The Statement format field will be set automatically, based on the setting on the bank account.
  6. Click Browse, and select your electronic bank statement file.
  7. Click Upload.
  8. Click OK.
If the import is successful, you will receive a message that states that your statement was imported. If the import wasn't successful, in the Data management workspace, in the Job History section, find the job. Click Execution details for the job to open the Execution summary page, and then click View execution log to view the import errors.

Import Bank Statement in Dynamic 365 Finance and Operation

The Advanced bank reconciliation feature lets you import electronic bank statements and automatically reconcile them with bank transactions in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. This article explains how to set up the import functionality for your bank statements.
The setup for bank statement import varies, depending on the format of your electronic bank statement. Finance and Operations support three bank statement formats out of the box: ISO20022, MT940, and BAI2.

Set up the import of BAI2 bank statements

First, you must define the bank statement format processing group for BAI2 bank statements by using the data entity framework.

  1. Go to Workspaces > Data management
  2. Click Import.
  3. Enter a name for the format, such as BAI2.
  4. Set the Source data format field to XML-Element.
  5. Set the Entity name field to Bank statements.
  6. To upload import files, click Upload, and then browse to select the SampleBankCompositeEntity.xml file that you saved earlier.
  7. After the Bank statements entity is uploaded and the mapping is completed, click the View map action for the entity.
  8. The Bank statements entity is a composite entity that consists of four separate entities. In the list, select BankStatementDocumentEntity, and then click the View map action.
  9. On the Transformations tab, click New.
  10. For sequence number 1, click Upload file, and select the BAI2CSV-to-BAI2XML.xslt file that you saved earlier.
  11. Click New.
  12. For sequence number 2, click Upload file, and select the BAI2XML-to-Reconciliation.xslt file that you saved earlier. Note:Finance and Operations transformation files are built for the standard format. Because banks often diverge from this format, and you may have to update the transformation file to map to your bank statement format.
  13. Click New.
  14. For sequence number 3, click Upload file, and select the BankReconciliation-to-Composite.xslt file that you saved earlier.
  15. Click Apply transforms.
After the format processing group is set up, the next step is to define the bank statement format rules for BAI2 bank statements.
  1. Go to Cash and bank management > Setup > Advanced bank reconciliation setup > Bank statement format.
  2. Click New.
  3. Specify a statement format, such as BAI2.
  4. Enter a name for the format.
  5. Set the Processing group field to the group that you defined earlier, such as BAI2.
  6. Set the File type field to txt.
The last step is to enable Advanced bank reconciliation and set the statement format on the bank account.
  1. Go to Cash and bank management > Bank accounts.
  2. Select the bank account, and open it to view the details.
  3. On the Reconciliation tab, set the Advanced bank reconciliation option to Yes.
  4. When you're prompted to confirm your selection and enable Advanced bank reconciliation, click OK.
  5. Set the Statement format field to the format that you created earlier, such as BAI2.


Sunday, May 20, 2018

Ax Functional Interview Question

Ax Functional interview Question

       1. Explain  yourself
       2. General Ledger Question
2.1   COA Structure
2.2   Financial Dimension
2.3   Advance rule
2.4   Allocation Journal
2.5   Accrual Scheme
2.6   Year-End Process
2.7   Currency Revaluation
2.8   Consolidation
2.9   Financial Report
2.10 How to stop the user to pass any transaction
       3. Account Payable
3.1   Tolerance Policy
3.2   Payment Purposely
3.3   Term of Payment
       4. Procurement Policy
4.1   Explain for the P2P process ( Procurement Policy)
4.2   Difference between two way matching Rule and three          way matching
4.3   PO Receipt Transaction and PO Invoice Transaction

       5. Fixed Assets
5.1   Fixed Asset process
5.2   Book Details
5.3   Sale the Partial assets
5.4   Disposal or sale transaction
       6. Inventory
6.1   Inventory valuation process
6.2   Explain the Value in the case of LIFO, FIFO, and standard
6.3    Monthly inventory close
6.4   Difference transfer order and transfer journal

       7. What is your role in the project?
       8. What process (Method) you use for implementation?
       9. How to update the opening Balance in the System?
      10.Have you work on customization? What is the process and               document you follow
      11.What document you create for customers. 


Monday, December 18, 2017

Add Work Space in Dynamic 365 Operation

  Add the Workspace in Dynamic 365

 1.       Click on personalize the form 

2.       Click on add a workspace

3.    Again personalize and provide your workspace name



Project Expense Management in Microsoft Dynamics AX

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