Saturday, August 13, 2016

Chart of Account & Main Account in Axapta R3

                          Create Chart of Account in Axapta

In an organisation COA is first and most important things.To find out the Actual financial Statement we create Set of Account (COA). At the time of creation of COA we consider all the possibility and different subdiaries companies Account. 

We can use same COA in Different Company or use different COA in the Different Compnay.In the COA we mention all the main account.

Create the chart of accounts in the Chart of accounts form. Use the Main accounts - chart of accounts: %1 form to set up main accounts in each category, and include gaps between the accounts so that you can insert new main accounts, as needed. Main accounts in the same category have similar account numbers, and often have header and total lines that allow for easier identification and aggregation of the account category.

Same Main Account we can use for the Management Reporter

For Create COA , Please following Step.

Go to General Ledger--> Setup-->Chart of Account-->Chart of Account

Enter the Code of COA

Enter the Description of COA

Click on New

Enter the Detail of Main Account

Detail of Main Account Form

Save and close the Form.

After the link of COA we go to link the Legal Entity and COA

We go to General Ledger --> Setup-->Ledger


Kamal Kumar

Ph- +91-9996480619

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